30 September 2009

* Big exciting things happening this week

* Happy dancing for Happiness and Abundance - free call

* Article - today I'm inviting you to read and comment on a chapter I contributed to a book about children and allowances.

* Anne recommends some reading material and becoming abundant and happy

It's been a big week this week what with school holidays with my small son, the release of a new book that I contributed a chapter in (find out how you can get a copy free below)and I've been investigating the possibility of doing a weekly radio show. I've even come up with a name for it - enerJOY-the energy of JOY, what do you think, does this name speak to you, I appreciate your feedback.

And I'm off to Sydney tomorrow morning for a weekend of NRL football finals culminating in a corporate box at the game on Sunday night and I don't even know who is playing. I'd better find out and decide who to barrack for before I get on the plane I think.

See you when I get back.

Today I want you to find out about doing your own happy dance when you click here

enJOY and I hope to hear about your own happy dance soon.

Can you please send me your opinion on a chapter I wrote?
I had to share this very exciting news with you. I have recently been asked to contribute some of my wisdom and insights for a very cool e-book.

As many of you know, I'm always on the lookout for ways to contribute and share useful information for the greater good. I know a lot of you are family folks and have children that mean the world to you.

And with the state of the current economy, now is the time we start to wonder about the future that our children can look forward to.

My good friend Amanda van der Gulik has asked me to help contribute to a terrific e-book that she has just created. Amanda has been doing wonderful work in helping parents figure out ways for their children to learn and understand more about money matters.

She has long been involved with children and has a passion for teaching them about money matters and how to become more successful and contributing citizens.

Raising children in today's world is a very challenging calling. We are bombarded with so much information on a daily basis that it is often overwhelming. Amanda’s book helps to make this a little more manageable.

It is staggering to think about the number of advertising messages that reach out to our children each and every day. And with all the stresses placed upon us we are hard-pressed to find enough time to spend with our children and help motivate them to develop into excellent adults.

So many families now rely upon two incomes to get by. Both parents are spending a lot of time away from home and are being robbed of the time they could spend with their children. And in the short time that children and parents do spend together there is cooking and cleaning and chores to be done, not to mention all the homework the schools are giving them.

Not only this, but jobs are stressful and more work is being expected of those still employed. And, so often the TV takes place of the caretaker for our children at home.

Amanda's book that I have helped contribute to, speaks about some of the pressing issues that parents of children are thinking about today.

Amanda is writing a very helpful guide to help parents finally figure out whether we should be giving our children an allowance or not as a tool for teaching them about money.

One of the key issues that I know many parents are trying to negotiate is whether children should be given an allowance or if they should earn their own money, or both.

Make sure you check it out before she comes to her senses and starts to charge money for it.

I think that this new book will help make that decision much easier. In the book Amanda gives her own opinion as a kids money expert but stays open-minded to other possibilities as well.

With this book she helps individual families determine the correct approach in their particular situation.

It’s an honor that I have been asked to contribute to this book along with over 20 of the top kids money management experts, life coaches and successful adult and teen entrepreneurs in our industry.

Get your copy here and check out my chapter

I just wanted to share this exciting news with you, and I know that you are always looking for more valuable information to help you and your family succeed. Plus, I'm thrilled that Amanda has asked me to help contribute.

Oh and did I mention that after all the months of hard work that Amanda has done to put this book together she’s decided to actually give it away for free? Pretty incredible.

I’ve had a look at the final book and it’s over 200 pages, literally stuffed full of tips, tricks and age-specific tools and lessons on money and allowances for your kids. Please go check out my contribution and let me know what you think of it.

I don’t know how long she will be giving this book away at no cost. I told her she’s crazy, she could easily charge over $50 for the incredible content contained within.

Check it out, I’m sure you’re going to love it as much as I do. Make sure to tell your friends and family about it also, as I said I really don’t know how long she’ll be giving it away for free so make sure they don’t miss out too.

This will be a tremendous book, especially for those of us with your own kids or young relatives and friends who are simply trying to determine if an allowance is appropriate or not.

Please feel free to pass the link for this free book along to all your friends and family who can use it. Send them to www.AllowanceSecrets.com/?secret=37

Allowance Secrets free e-book, get your copy here

In about an hour from right now there is going to be a very high energy free call on happiness and abundance with Kristen & David Morelli (the people behind the Prosperity Tribe I'm always talking about) and Marci Shimoff-best selling author. You can still sign up to get on the call free or if you have missed it you will be able to hear the recording when it is available. Go to this page and register NOW. You don't want to miss this.

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