Self Love
“If you actually look up the definition of self-love on it say’s ‘vanity, conceit, and narcissism.’ It’s crazy! We wouldn’t tell our kids, ‘Hey you, don’t take care of yourself, don’t love yourself, don’t make your happiness a priority.’ But we tell ourselves that all the time,” Christine Arylo on women and self love.
As part of Christine Arylo’s Madly in Love with ME™ movement I’m vowing to fall madly in love with me and the first step is to write my own personal definition of self love.

My Self Love Manifesta
Falling madly in love with me means
• Accepting every part of ME as divine love.
• Not changing ME to fit in with them.
• Doing it my way.
• Holding on to my dreams, even if others cannot see the vision.
• Choosing to live my life, my way.
• Standing by my beliefs, even if they are different from yours
• Knowing that your truth is yours and mine is mine and they don’t necessarily have to be the same truth.
• Opening my heart, even when others choose to remain closed.
• Standing up for and speaking my truth.
Madly in Love with ME™ was created by Christine Arylo, author of Choosing ME before WE, Every Woman’s Guide to Life and Love and it kicks off every year with International Madly in Love with ME™ Day on February 13th.
The Madly in Love with ME™ movement was created to inspire, dare, and guide women and girls around the world to fall more in love with them selves.
With events in cities around the world on February 13th, and a plethora of virtual opportunities women can use to create their own self-love extravaganzas, we are on a mission to reclaim self-love as hot, hip and hers for every woman and girl
You’re invited to participate in the Madly in Love with ME™ giveaway, where you’ll have the chance to win

Step up to JOY! will be giving away just one necklace that we've received from Christine and the Madly in Love with ME™ movement and you only need to do one thing.
Download the free ME-Love kit from
and leave a comment in the section below telling me:
• The self-love dare you took and why?
• The self -love vow you took and why?
Both the dare and vows are in the Madly in Love with ME™ kit.
You must download this kit to take and share your self-love dare or vow in order to be a part of the giveaway contest.
Anyone can visit the official Madly in Love with ME™ site at
and download the self-love kit for FREE.
Included in the kit are both ideas on how to start a self love affair with yourself… or to throw a Madly in Love with ME soiree’ with friends!

Get to it girls, download your free ME-Love kit, take a self-love dare or self-love vow, share with us the details of what you did and why in the section below and you just might be wearing self-love around your neck to remind you everyday to love and live all of you.
Do you remember that great 80’s song by Chrissie Amphlet? It was a favorite of mine and it went like this….I love myself, I want you to love me.
I’m changing the words of that song today Ladies.
Today I’m singing “I love myself, I want you to love you”.
Enter here for the
Madly in love with ME
necklace giveaway.
Download the free ME-Love kit and share your story about:
• The self-love dare you took and why?
• The self -love vow you took and why?
Both the dare and vows are in the Madly in Love with ME™ kit. Condition of entry: You must download this kit to take and share your self-love dare or vow in order to be a part of the giveaway contest.
The necklace giveaway will be awarded on 13 March 2010.
Don't want to take a self-love dare or vow but have a great self-love story to tell. Please feel free to share it here (you won't be entered into the giveway).
©2010 Anne Aleckson
Anne Aleckson is a life coach & energy worker. Visit for your complimentary copy of the Joyful Attraction Blueprint and discover the 7 keys you MUST use to open the door to great relationships, more money, personal success and the life of your dreams.
You're welcome to reprint this article online and off as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the contact/bio information at the end).
Please send me a copy or link to your reprint to anne (@)
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