The Secret to daily happiness and JOY!

Do you want more?
...more money...better health...more fun in your life...more happiness...better relationships?
HAPPINESS is the door that opens the flow of abundance of all things.
STOP waiting for someone to knock-OPEN your door NOW!
In this leading edge workshop you will learn the secrets to daily happiness and JOY including:
* how to raise your happiness setpoint and develop a strong sense of inner joy and peace
* the new science of positive psychology and how science is now supporting what mystics have known and taught through the ages
* how gratitude and appreciation work to lift your happiness
* simple daily tools to move you into your happy place
During the workshop Anne will show you that happiness is much more than an emotion, it is a skill that you can develop.
Learn how to develop your happiness skill and achieve a lasting inner joy that will reflect into your outer world so you can create the healthy, wealthy and happy life of your dreams.
You will leave the How Much Happiness Can You Stand workshop with
**skills to raise your happiness levels anytime and anywhere**
**a sense that you can control your destiny and create the life you have always dreamed of**
**a knowledge of how positive psychology is changing the way we look at happiness and depression**
**a greater understanding of the law of attraction and how to use it to build a fabulous life**
Intimate small group workshops are held monthly from 10am to 3pm in a beautiful meditation room at Toombul / Nundah on Brisbane's Northside in Queensland, Australia.
BYO snacks and lunch or purchase in the food court.
For notification of future 'How Much Happiness Can You Stand' workshops please submit your details below.
Interested in one-on-one coaching to find your happiness?
check out my coaching page and get to know what I can offer you.
Not yet ready to open your door to happiness? Why not start with our
5 Habits for Happiness e-course
Interested in bringing the How Much Happiness Can You Stand? workshop to your group and/or city. Contact us below and tell us where you are, how large your group is and any other relevant information.
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