Ambition to Meaning

Also sold as The Shift

I just watched a fabulous movie called Ambition to Meaning with Dr Wayne Dyer.

The blurb reads (in part) …

a compelling portrait of three modern lives in need of new direction and new meaning.

In his first-ever movie Wayne Dyer explores the spiritual journey in the second half of life when we long to find the purpose that is our unique contribution to the world.

The powerful shift from the ego constructs we are taught early in life by parents and society—which promote an emphasis on achievement and accumulation—are shown in contrast to a life of meaning, focused on serving and giving back.

Meaning not only inspires, but also teaches us how to find the path to our spiritual purpose and therefore our greatest joy.

I clicked on the play button of my computer (viewing it online) and prepared to sit back with a cup of tea to enJOY what I was sure would be some inspiration. Click on the banner to see the preveiw.

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I wasn’t prepared to feel the need half way through, to pick up my pen and paper and make notes but the inspirational words coming to me had to be captured and shared with you.

I offer my notes here for you to consider, reflect on and ponder.

And I highly recommend you see this movie if the opportunity presents itself.

My Quotes / notes from movie

Each of us at some time will experience a quantum moment.

Be soft, be flexible and allow your life to happen

Stop interfering in your life and let it be done

There was a study done on peoples values / priorities both before and after their quantum moment. Men’s values before this shift are Wealth, a sense of adventure, achievement, pleasure and respect. After the shift men’s values changed to spirituality, personal peace, family, gods will/purpose and then honesty (with feelings). Womens top 5 values before a quantum moment were family, sense of independence, career, fitting in and attractiveness. After a shift moment women’s values changed to her own personal growth, sense of self esteem, spirituality, happiness and forgiveness.

Forget about yourself and just reach out and give to another.

You don’t attract what you want you attract what you are.

Sometimes you just have to show up, pay attention and your music (purpose) comes

Ambition with meaning is your purpose

Your authentic self is way beyond the ego

Your quantum moment or shift can be caused by a comment, an event in your life, a hardship you suffer or anything at all

4 virtues by Lao-tzu – reverence for all life, sincerity (being honest), gentleness and supportiveness (offer service)

Ultimately we are all going to get it. Why die to get it when you can get it while you are here.

Your purpose will always be found in service.

You are only a thought away from changing your life.

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I have long admired Dr Wayne Dyer and I credit his book “10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace” as a catalyst for my finding new direction in my life.

I have read most of his books and for months listened to his CD set “It’s Never Crowded along the Extra Mile” as I drove back and forth from my job in the city.

You will find mention of Dr Dyer in a number of my articles including mention of how he and I became co-authors in The Path to Success book.

This movie is a must see for anyone who is searching for purpose and meaning in their life.

I’m giving it my two thumbs up award. Good job Dr Dyer, you rock!

Visit Dr Wayne Dyer at his website

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