Live the life of your dreams

with our

Step up to JOY! & be a
Deliberate Creator Class.

Do you want to create the life of your dreams?

Are you ready to manifest and bring into your life the abundant riches, vigorous good health, happy relationships and inner peace you desire?

Is it time for you to focus on your dreams and make this year the year that lifts you to new heights of success?

Step up to JOY! & be a Deliberate Creator' classes are self development classes based on the Law of Attraction.

The law of attraction simply states that "what you focus on and give your attention to is what you attract into your life."

This law is always at work, so an understanding of it is essential to creating a life that inspires you.

HURRY Click here NOW to book your place and start your journey to the amazing life you deserve

The workshop is based on the Abraham-Hicks book "Ask and it Is Given" and is designed to let you discover everything you need to know for you to BE, DO or HAVE anything you desire in your life.

During the workshop you will:

* Learn and deepen your understanding of the Law of Attraction, what the Universal laws are and how to deliberately use them to bring your dreams into your reality.

* Clarify and focus on what your ideal life looks like and learn tools, proccesses and techniques for visualizing, affirming and aligning with your desires.

* Identify blocks and limiting beliefs and learn tools to change your 'stinking' thinking.

* Learn about the Emotional Guidance System and what role your emotions play in allowing you to have your ideal life.

* Discover why contrast is good and how best to deal with it so contrast becomes your friend.

* Support your dream with many powerful processes - an explanation of how they work and an application to specific issues.

* Find out how to stay in alignment with your vision and how to allow your dreams life to manifest.

* learn tools to help you maintain a positive attitude including meditation.

* Develop an inspired action plan to pull it all together and achieve your dream lifestyle.

Workshops are held in Brisbane, Australia. If you wish to discuss holding a workshop for your group located in other areas please contact us here

Click here for dates and to book in for this event

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